What will take India forward?

This post won a Prize in #WillofSteel activity at BlogAdda

I have always believed that children are a country’s future. And when it comes to India, where so many kids live and breathe on the streets, doing a bit for them would go a long way in shaping the future of this world’s largest democracy.

To me, Illiteracy and Child labor are two important areas which need to be addressed, especially when it comes to a girl child. In fact, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs India have named India as the most dangerous place in the world for a girl child.

Let’s look at some of the astonishing Statistics:
Child Illiteracy:
· 40% of India’s population is below the age of 18 years, which at 440 million is the world’s largest child population. Every fifth child in the world is Indian.
· Less than half of India’s children between the age 6 and 14 go to school.
· Out of those enrolled in school, up to half don’t attend regularly. Many are pressured to work and earn money for their families.
· Two thirds of children are victims of physical abuse. The majority are beaten in school, and over half have to work seven days a week.
· 53% of girls in the age group of 5 to 9 years are illiterate.

Child Labor:
· Official figures indicate there are over 17 million child workers in India, but many NGOs claim the real figure is up to 60 million.
· The largest numbers work in places like textile factories, dhabas (roadside restaurants) and hotels, or as domestic workers. Much of the work, such as in firecracker or matchstick factories, can be hazardous; even if not, conditions are often appalling and simply rob kids of their childhood.
· There are approximately 2 million child commercial sex workers between the age of 5 and 15 years and about 3.3 million between 15 and 18 years. They form 40% of the total population of commercial sex workers in India. 500,000 children are forced into this trade every year.
· By a law introduced in 2006, no child under 14 should work. But like many laws in India, the problem is enforcement. 2 years after the ban, the Labor Ministry had carried out 12,000 operations but only made 211 prosecutions.

With the hope of seeing a truly developed India in my lifetime, I would support the following achievers who have done a remarkable work in the aforementioned areas:

1. Kamlesh Zapadiya – One way for kids to study well is for them to enjoy what they read and it should be in a simple format to understand better. Kamlesh did just that by launching Edusafar, a website where entire syllabus from classes 1 to 10 is available in a Quiz format. Edusafar has all the study materials and information that one needs related to primary and secondary education. The syllabus can be downloaded free of cost from the website.


Kamlesh travels 20 kms everyday from his village to a cybercafe in a nearby town to accomplish this mission of making education interesting for students. He, along with his friends, plan to develop an app for those who are preparing for competitive exams. The app will have various general knowledge and current affairs questions from which a user can learn with just a click.

2. K S Sarojamma – Often lovingly called as ‘Amma’ by the children she rescued from Karnataka’s Silk factories.

In the silk twisting units of Magadi, thousands of children are put to work for long hours in low-lit factories. As a researcher during the 90s, Amma visited these silk mills of Magadi and was instrumental in saving the lives of over 3,000 children. Her efforts led to the shutting down of 800 out of 1,000 units.


With the realization that the young girls rescued had no homes to go back to, Saroja started ‘Chiguru Balvikas Sanstha’. The sanstha is also home to young girls who were being abused as domestic help.

I’m voting for (Kamlesh Zapadiya, K S Sarojamma)’s #WillOfSteel and blogging on BlogAdda to help them get felicitated and eventually enabled by JSW. I hope you would support them too.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

92 thoughts on “What will take India forward?

  1. What an amazing story. I feel silly admitting it but I did not know the magnitude of child abuse in India. Thank you for sharing and for your efforts to reach out, your desire to make a difference, to strive for change and to support others who are doing the same. It is a pleasure to read your blog and to know you, thank you! You make me want to contribute for the good of others too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Karen,
      India is truly an amazing country in terms of the Traditions and Customs we follow. However, there are certain areas which need serious attention.

      With our rapid growth, rich have become richer and poor have become poorer. Hence, this divide needs to be plugged and many people are indeed pitching in.

      Once we give due respect to Women all the Kids in India start getting basic education, that would make it a truly developed economy.

      I have seen some issues in US too, especially disrespect for Women and racism to a certain extent.

      Appreciate your comments. If you ever feel the need to contribute, you can do so via recognized NGOs in respective areas.


  2. It is really such an important part of the world and our future. Kids need to be cared for and focus on the good life can bring, so when they get older they can focus on the good. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very good post Alok, figures on child labour is shocking. Sometimes I feel very sorry for such a good country like India. Women empowerment and respect for women is also lacking in our society. Lets join our hands and do some thing to aware people in India.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just feel sorry for kids who are made to work, that too in pathetic conditions.

      Women need to stand up for their rights at times; government and judiciary seem to be helpless.

      Thanks, Sadhna.


  4. Amazing fact share, I really don’t know that India has still child labour issue. But I guess it will be eliminated sooner as the increase in importance for education.


  5. Children are the future. They must lead a healthy life. It’s sad to know the stats. We must take inspiration from people like Kamlesh. I wish to do my part. This was a very awesome and a needed post.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. really a inspiring writeup. Those who do something for others, especially for the children who are the backbone of our future, are the people who make huge difference in the lives of others.
    May God bestow them strength and forbearance to continue.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. In the present world where we find it hard getting a suitable job even with high qualifications, wonder what would be the plight of those who have the bane of illiteracy over their shoulders. The statistics is so disheartening. I have always wanted to sponsor atleast one child’s education when I am settled. Atleast do my bit ☺even if it is very tiny!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you SO much for sharing the stories of people like Kamlesh and Sarojamma. There are so areas in India where the government machinery falls woefully short on resources, funds or – sadly – motivation, concern or willpower. And it’s good people like these that often help change lives, never giving up. Your post has touched as well as inspired me – thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just wish people like these can progress unhindered and don’t fall into the trap of corruption. At least there would be some hope; government has hardly been able to help the needy…we all know that.

      Thank you Ami.


  9. That is such an insightful share and rightly stated this is one of the ways to take India forward, thanks for sharing Kamlesh Zapadiya and K S Sarojamma’s work with us Alok 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. That’s such a thought provoking post. We have miles and miles to go before we can say that India is a happy place for our children. These people are doing a wonderful job, but clearly it is not enough. We need more hands , more bright minds to actually take the plunge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True, we can do our bit in helping them lead from the front…but need more people to come forward.

      Hopefully India can be what it should and can be and we can all be proud of ourselves.


  11. Thank you for sharing the stories of Kamlesh and Sarojamma. There are so many such gems among us working tirelessly. For a change, it is good to read about positive tales. I do hope that newspapers begin such a page too so that we can all share and contribute to this wave of good.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thanks for sharing such an amazing story…… We adults really need to step up and stand by the children at every junction of their life…..

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Hey Alok, That’s a hard-hitting post you’ve written and I enjoyed reading it. Might I also add how a perception change in new parents would really work in our favour here?

    We have children who are talented in multiple ways and this treasure trove is not being tapped as parents tend to look at education courses that lead to a monetarily satisfactory path. While this is not a bad thing, children need to be allowed to do what they do best & not fit into pre-engineered moulds. A quote says you can’t judge a fish by its capability to climb a tree!

    Free their minds, I say! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely true, i full agree with your views. There is so much pressure on children to do what their parents like…more so with educated class. I would suggest let them enjoy their life first…they will probably become better human beings that way.

      Thank you so much for these inputs, Nitya.


  14. Very good article.

    1. ‘The Labor Ministry had carried out 12,000 operations but only made 211 prosecutions.’ Why do We need a Labour ministry then? for them to earn salaries?

    2. Hearty Congratulations on All Your Efforts. God Bless.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. It’s linked to general poverty. Children are forced into labour for money. So, as our standard of living improves, child labour too will come down. But it’s a vicious cycle, is it not? Because, for some families, child labour is the route to bettering the standard of living.

    My take is that, more important is when and what type of work is the child doing. Labour also inculcates discipline and work ethics. But that should definitely not cut into the education of the kid.


    1. I agree with your points, Pradeep. But i don’t think any child deserves to be pushed into labor just because his/her family is poor…the education should be a necessity and priority, rest all should come after that.

      Consider some developed countries where govt pays for education at basic level.


  16. Congratulations for winning. The post was full of insights. Before reading this post I was not aware of the fact that such a vast majority of small children are forced into commercial sex trade. This is disgusting. Hats off to the people who have dedicated their lives to the relief, rescue and upliftment of disadvantaged children.
    I have a request to make. Can you please work on the settings so that this comment writing box appears at the top of all the comments and not below because it is not easy scrolling over and over again if, while commenting, one has to look back to cross check facts from the post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, dear. The stats are indeed depressing!

      That’s a great point to have the comment box at the top…i will see if it can be done.
      Btw, no need to request…I appreciate your inputs.


      1. I am not sure if you are aware WordPress has a technical glitch. The readers who read blogs on the reader on wordpress app without going to the actual blog link do not get registered as visitors. So you never really get to know the real and actual figures. I have a post which has a total view of 2 but has 5 likes. Now I dont think there will be 5 fools who will like a particular post without readjng it. So be happy for the win.

        Liked by 1 person

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